CS Pink Shirt Fundraiser graphic

Pink Shirt Fundraiser for a Cancer Free Future

Construction Sciences employees helped raise funds for cancer by donating to a special Do It For Cancer – Construction Sciences Pink Shirt Fundraiser. Thanks to their generous support, our goal to raise $2500 was reached easily and soon donations will exceed $4000. Well done team!

Construction Sciences held a Pink Ribbon fundraiser to help change the lives of women affected by cancer.

Every day almost 70 women will hear those dreaded words “You have cancer.” While the survival rate has increased, our work is far from over.

Cancer never rests, and neither can we. The Pink Shirt Fundraiser will directly contribute to the work of Cancer Council.  They work tirelessly across every area of cancer, from research to prevention and support.

Supporters help power this vital work, making a difference to so many in their most vulnerable time, now and into the future.

Help us create a cancer free future through the Power of Pink!  Together, we can free the future from cancer.

#DoItForCancer #PinkShirtFundraiser #CSTeam #PowerofPink